The news is that the film's second trailer pushed the envelope further. However, the makers were asked for a few cuts in the trailer. It is learnt that the Censor Board objected to the second trailer of The Dirty Picture as the officials felt that the trailer in question was too explicit and thus not fit for theatrical or television exhibition, unless it is given an 'A' certificate.
Talking about this, a source reveals, "The producers wanted U/A rating for the trailer. They wanted the promo to be shown with as many films as possible starting with Pankaj Kapur's Mausam, which is expected to hit the theatres next week."
The objects of censorship in question were the lovemaking scene between Vidya Balan and Naseeruddin Shah in the car and certain abusive words in Naseeruddin's dialogue that have been muted.
Further clarifying on this, Balaji Motion Pictures' CEO, Tanuj Garg said, "The Censor Board felt that a few scenes and words in the trailer might not be appropriate for television and for people watching a U/A film in cinemas. On the other hand, we were clear that we needed a U/A. Hence, we complied with their requests."
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