Not A Love Story is a Bollywood upcoming Hindi Film which is Based on a true story of the infamous Neeraj Grover murder case.The movie is simultaneously being made in Telugu titled 'Oka Prema Katha'. and the movie is directed by a famous film director Ram Gopal Varma and Shooting this movie is took place in the same apartment where the gruesome murder took place .Ram Gopal Varma, Sunil Bohra is a producerof this movie . Mahi Gill is in lead role in this Movie . The movie will release in the month of august 2011. Complete cast and crew of this movie is as follows.
Not a Love Story ia a Ram Gopal Verma Bollywood upcoming movie which is Directed and produced by Ramgopal Verma Film has been complete and it will be in Cinema in Sept Tips film industry has released a songs of this movie which is filming on mahi gill and songs is Rangeela Re . As you know that Rangeela is also Ram gopal verma directed Movie featuring Amir khan and Urmila .Mahie Gill Rangeela Re - Not a Love Story Video Watch Online
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