Reveals our source, "Yes, apart from the song, Akshay would be seen in the film during a talkie part as well. The makers had refrained from revealing it to the audience earlier on as they didn't want attention to go away from the film and its debutant lead actor Vinay Virmani. However, the truth is that Akshay has shot for the film as well."
Now this is quite an interesting development because traditionally Akshay has always stayed away from doing any cameos even for friends and close acquaintances right through his two decade career. The only exceptions he has made so far are for Farah Khan (Om Shanti Om), Milap Zaveri (Jaane Kahan Se Aayi Hai) and Lara Dutta (Chalo Dilli).
"In fact earlier on there were talks that he won't be making any appearance in Speedy Singhs. However, as the film gathered steam, he decided to do a scene as well in addition to the special music video for 'Shera Di Kaum Punjabi'. How relevant does it eventually turn out to be for the film is something that would be known only when the film sees a global release for itself", the source continues.
Expectedly the cast and crew of the film as well as Akshay is tight lipped around the extended cameo. However, when contacted, Vinay Virmani confirmed the news piece.
"Yes, Akshay is there in the song and also has a very special cameo in the film. Now don't ask me about any additional details because if I utter a single word, I would be in a lot of trouble", laughs Vinay.
He adds on a serious note, "Akshay has been like a big brother to me. He has done so much for me personally as well as professionally. Now to see him step into the film for a song and a cameo is something that I will never forget."
Hope this 'special cameo' turns out to be as unforgettable too!
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